The following shipping schedules are based on information available at the time of publishing and are subject to change without notice.
Last updated: December 14, 2024 at 14:03
20-12-24 Vessel to shift off berth for the Arrival of Ovation of the Seas visit 21-12-24
30-12-24 Vessel to depart 1300hrs to the #1 Anchorage for the arrival Ovation of the Seas 31-12-24
Vessel is overnighting at Waitohi West.
11-12-24 Lignum Nexus may depart earlier than ETD, as cruise ship REGATTA also departing same time of 2000
17-11-24 Thomas Harrison Picton Port Call ETA 0730 hrs
17-11-24 Vessel will not berth, turnaround at All Ports Island before heading back out to Northern Entrance 1000 hrs
08-11-24 Friday 8th Nov Vessel arriving to Cloudy Bay Anchorage
10-11-24 Sunday 10th Nov POB 0400 Northern Entrance