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The Port Marlborough Sounds Discovery Fund is now available for Marlborough Schools to apply for support for educational experiences in the Sounds between July 2024 and June 2025. 

Since 2018, the Sounds Discovery Fund has enriched the lives of thousands of Marlborough school students through diverse and exciting trips throughout the Marlborough Sounds.
These adventures have included sailing lessons with the Queen Charlotte Yacht Club, captivating scientific exploration trips with Otago University’s Marine Science team, “Kaipupu Experience” trips to Kaipupu Sanctuary, immersive camps at Mistletoe Bay, and voyages of discovery throughout the Queen Charlotte and Pelorus Sounds on vessels such as Tutanekai, Beachcomber Cruises, and Steadfast Sail. As well as adventure experiences, the fund has also supported important water safety training for tamariki across Marlborough.

The Port Marlborough Sounds Discovery Fund offers up to $1,500 per school per year, empowering educators to create unforgettable learning adventures and to encourage kaitiakitanga of our beautiful Marlborough Sounds. We are excited to invite Marlborough schools to apply for the Sounds Discovery fund for any educational experiences in the Sounds between July 2024 and June 2025.

If your school would like to apply for the 2024/2025 Port Marlborough Sounds Discovery Fund, allocated by discretion for any Marlborough Sounds-based educational experience, please email us with an overview of your plans at