Shipping schedules Marinas


Payment Security is managed through Windcave for mutual security. Encryption protection is managed with an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate, industry standard 128bit encryption software. No credit card information is stored by u.

Port Marlborough New Zealand Ltd will make all endeavours to protect the security of your personal information, including credit and debit card information. When you submit personal information including credit card details, your card information is held securely and only for long enough to process the transaction.

For these purposes, we may:

  1. seek financial information from you (e.g. credit card details to process your transaction)
  2. contact you by direct mail, email or telephone, unless you request us not to.
  3. We will not share our database with any other organisation and, unless otherwise legally required, will not give your personal information to anyone else without your prior consent.


Port Marlborough New Zealand Ltd will consider circumstances for refunds or cancellations of payments on a case by case basis. If you have made a payment you need to withdraw or dispute please contact us.


All amounts and prices are in New Zealand dollars (NZD).