Shipping schedules Marinas

The new Port Marlborough tug Kaiana arrived this week into Waitohi Picton, providing additional resilience to the port’s marine fleet.

At 21 metres in length, the ASD Tug 2111 has a bollard pull of 50 tonnes and its Twin Fin skeg and Azimuth thrusters ensure excellent manoeuvrability. Manawhenua iwi of Waitohi Picton Te Ātiawa o te Waka a Maui gifted the name “Kaiana” to the new vessel, and were present to welcome Kaiana and her international delivery crew into the port with karanga and karakia.

PMNZ operates the region’s port and marinas and facilitates the operation and growth of some of Marlborough’s most significant industries, including recreational boating, forestry, wine, aquaculture and domestic and international tourism including cruise. Damen’s new ASD 2111 will provide an important boost in towage capability in Picton Harbour, from where the inter-island passenger and freight ferries operate.

Chosen for its compact size, excellent manoeuvrability, and “beyond compliance” environmental standards, the ASD Tug 2111 also features numerous safety features. Its 360° bridge maximises situational awareness of the surrounding waters for captain and crew, as well as the deck both fore and aft. High freeboard keeps water on deck to an absolute minimum and the ample tumblehome enables the ASD Tug 2111 to get safely up close to an assisted vessel.

Port Marlborough have chosen to upgrade the standard IMO Tier II compliant engines to IMO Tier-III compliant, to further reduce emissions. Other green technologies built into the Compact Tug include a new electric power generation system that produces electricity by drawing on the ample power available from the main engines, reducing fuel consumption and emissions as a result.

“Partnering with Damen provides us with access to leading tug technology, said Port Marlborough CEO Rhys Welbourn. “Kaiana will enhance our marine towage service, going beyond compliance in environmental standards and modernising our fleet.

The safety and efficiency of our operations in Picton Harbour are critical to supporting the flow of ferries, cruise, and cargo ships, which all facilitate trade and employment for Marlborough and directly contribute to the region’s prosperity.”

Manawhenua iwi of Waitohi, Te Ātiawa o te Waka a Maui have gifted the name Kaiana to the new vessel, the first ever brand new tug purchase for the port’s towage fleet.

Te Ātiawa Chair Rachael Hāte said “Reflecting on the enduring significance of our role as manawhenua, protecting the precious coastlines of Waitohi, Waikawa, and Totaranui, we are pleased to gift the name “Kaiana” to Port Marlborough’s new vessel”.

Kaiana holds a significant history for our people and is a name closely intertwined with our connection to the land where the port now stands, being the lagoon area that once provided sustenance for our whānau and for the community for generations.”

Port Marlborough CEO Rhys Welbourn said it is a name the port’s marine team would carry proudly. “The name gifted by Te Ātiawa reminds us of our responsibilities as a port, and to follow our values of Kaitiakitanga (environmental guardianship) and Kairangatira (delivering excellence)”

“Our investment in the ASD Tug 2111 “Kaiana” and our commitment to Tier-III emission standards shows our wider commitment in leading the way as an environmentally restorative port, driving success for Marlborough.”

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